This was done so at the behest of one of my friends, who suggested that my implication that I sometimes feel as fat as this guy looks might in some way offend said fat man in suspenders
"I just think it's a risk to put down the next guy cause he might be bigger than you," my friend said. "What if he is depressed cause he is big ... and you are saying 'you feel that way sometimes' like he's the worst ever."
At first it really freaking pissed me off. Why should he worry about it? I couldn't really give a crap about offending anyone on this here blog-thingy.
That's the beauty of the Internet. Each page has a little "X" in the top right-hand corner. You don't like what you are seeing, click that sucker and move your ass on down to some other spot on the information highway.
Besides, if you had seen the original, you'd see that our boy with the big belly appeared quite proud of what I'm sure took years and years of beer guzzling to build.
After I calmed down a bit, I decided he was right, and thus the change.
I've been on the receiving end of many judgemental stares and comments from size-ist little waif store clerks who say they don't have it in "YOUR" size and don't even bother looking (I'm talking about YOU, you little fart knockers at Eddie Bauer).
So I offer a sincere and heartfelt apology to you, Mr. Happy Fat Man in Suspenders. May you live a long life filled with stretchy pants, hangovers and dreams of large women.